Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Don't you ever just sit back and wonder about the little things? I catch myself doing that quite a bit lately. Like today. I set up goals for myself most days, I write them down on a sheet of paper early in the morning, and on a good day, I can go through that list and scratch off most items on it. Days like today, I can't even mark off two or three. I'm just TIRED inside I think. We are stuck in this rut, and I just don't know how to get us out of it anymore. I keep getting ideas, I try to put them into play, but it all takes so LONG. Sometimes I feel like life is going to run out before I have a chance to succeed at anything. I don't want to do that. I want to make my children and my husband and his family proud of me before I die.
All I can do is say a prayer and keep going.